Limited Health Guarantee
LoveBug Chihuahuas, offer a 1-year health guarantee, which covers only the cost of your dog. We are not responsible for any associated charges such as shipping, veterinarian fees, mental stress, low blood sugar or internal/external parasites. This guarantee does not cover the following minor flaws or any condition that is minor and can be corrected by a veterinarian:
1. An open Fontanel, which is also known as a Molera (a soft spot on the top of the head) may or may not close completely as the puppy grows. It is not considered a genetic defect but a unique feature of the Chihuahua.
2. We do not guarantee the adult size of the puppy. We will give our best estimate based on the parents, past puppies, and the Chihuahua Weight Chart.
3. Small breed dogs sometimes develop a peculiar cough, which is due to the collapse of the tracheal rings. This condition is sometimes called reverse sneezing and will usually only happen when the puppy gets excited.
4. Hernias of any kind.
5. Testicles not descending.
To qualify for the limited health guarantee, you must have your puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian of your choice within 72 hours of the date of receipt of the puppy. **Buyer agrees to have their puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within 72 hours of pick-up date AND submit proof in writing within the same allotted 72 hours. Failure to do abide by this contract in whole or in part will forfeit any warranty.** Please keep in mind that loose stools can be caused by the stress of traveling. Also, do not suddenly change your puppy’s diet, as this may adversely affect his/her health. Please remember to take a fecal sample with you to the vet to eliminate any and all parasite possibilities.
Should the puppy be diagnosed within 1 year of any congenital or hereditary disorder that is considered by two unassociated veterinarians to seriously affect the quality of life or require continuous medical treatment throughout the course of the puppy’s life, we will provide the buyer with the following options:
1. Should the buyer choose to keep the puppy and accept a partial refund, a refund of 50% of the purchase price will be given.
2. Should the buyer choose to give up ownership of the puppy to us, we will replace the puppy with one of equal value or refund the purchase price.
When shipping a puppy, LoveBug Chihuahuas is in no way responsible for the death of or injury to the dog or loss of the dog during transport to its new home. The buyer will need to settle with the airlines or ground transport company. We do furnish insurance during a flight for loss or death due to injury and do everything possible to make sure that the puppy has a safe journey.